Thursday, March 12, 2009

ask and you shall receive

It is funny how my brain wanders...well not really....if you know me..
Anyhow, today I was thinking about my potential NEW TANDEM BIKE that will be the result of a grant application that comes down on Apr.1st. I've asked big ($17,000) for top of the line tandem...I don't see getting the whole amount, but some would be nice. Otherwise I'll be purchasing a much more basic version to get me through until I can afford the "big boy bike".

Thinking of this potential new ride, I got to thinking of who will pilot my sorry butt around...I've got lots of friends, lots of offers and plenty of support, which is fantastic. So when that time comes, I'll let you know how it goes.

Where this thought led my mind next, was back to last Sept/Oct when I was preparing for Ironman World Championships in Hawaii; I'd never finished in the dark at an Ironman, but this one was pretty much garunteed (HA! you're saying, you didn't even finish, QUITTER!!!)...ya ya...I know nothing is garunteed. However, I was PLANNING for a dark finish, so I needed to round up a partner. It eventually widdled down to Brian Breen, a great guy, flew in from Chicago for a lousy mile of walking with me; man I felt terrible.

Previous to and including this "favour" , I had decided to make a statement, show the world that "ya i'm blind, have to get help, but i'm gonna show you that i've got my game face on".

So, what did I do?
Well if you want to make a statement, go fast, and show your game face....why not ask the best in the world for their help?

In the summer I flipped an email off to 3 time World Champion Peter Reid ( I figured he's retired, so why wouldn't he want to come help me......
Guess what? He said YES!!! He was willing to help me out...doesn't even know me, but willing to awesome. Unfortunately he was waiting on a very important job offer, which he received, and I was left looking once again.

I asked a friend, and a great human being in Kevin MacKinnon ( writer and editor of Triathlete Canada Magazine. He too was willing to help, but seeing as he works for Ironman and the World Championships is the "big one"; his bosses figured it was best for him to remain at his work related duties that day.....

Well, another amazing Canadian, multiple Ironman winnner, Lisa Bentley...she's a local girl so to speak, and wasn't racing in Hawaii....SO, I figured what the heck....and with the help of Kevin M. , Lisa agreed to help.....a bit reluctant, but willing none the less. You can't blame her for being reluctant...some perfect stranger is asking you to guide him in the dark in an Ironman....hmmm can you say "strange!". Hey, but she was willing. I decided that Brian Breen was probably a safer bet and went with him....and this rest is made in a DNF history!!

So back to the tandem.....again I wish to make a statement...."yes i am tandem, I have to give up control of my own complete triathlon destiny, but damn it, I wanna go fast and kick ass". Well, being new to this blog thing, i've checked out a few other blogs..and i figured i'd send out another email....i'm still waiting on this one, but we'll see what the response is.... C'MON SIMON WHITFIELD!!!! you know you wanna go tandem.

Goooood ol' Canadian blood, helping hands all the way around---and I am truly blessed that these people are so willing to help me keep my dreams alive.
Don't settle for any less then your best game face....if you wanna go fast, then find a way to go fast (even if you have to stare at somebody's butt to do it).

Safe training, watch out for the potholes!!

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